Featured Publications

SPREP-Tok : Issue 95. June, 2024
'People, Places and Knowledge' Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal - Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity
Strengthening the Inform Pacific Environmental Data Portal
Legislation guidance end-of-life vehicle management in the Pacific.
SPREP-Tok : Issue 95. June, 2024
'People, Places and Knowledge' Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal - Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity
Strengthening the Inform Pacific Environmental Data Portal
Legislation guidance end-of-life vehicle management in the Pacific.
Protect our islands with biosecurity - battler series
Protect our islands with biosecurity
Building resilient ecosystems and communities by managing invasive species in high-priority sites
Build resilient ecosystems and communities by managing invasive species in high-priority sites
Monthly climate bulletin
Monthly climate bulletin : July 2020
Assessong risks of Tilapia aquaculture ponds establishing and becoming invasive in coastal marine ecocystems
Assessing the risk of Tilapia from proposed aquaculture ponds establishing and becoming invasive in coastal marine ecosystems at Port Resolution (Tanna Island), Vanuatu
Asbestos contaminated materials a guide for disaster debris removal
Asbestos contaminated materials : Guide for disaster debris removal
Advanced recovery fee & deposit systems
Advanced recovery fee & deposit systems - Factsheet
Ecosystem and socio-economic resilience analysis and mapping
Ecosystem and socio-economic resilience analysis and mapping - Macuata province, Fiji
Ecosystem and socio-economic resilience analysis and mapping
Ecosystem and socio-economic resilience analysis and mapping Taveuni Island, Fiji
Ecosystem-based adaptation options assessment
Ecosystem-based adaptation options assessment and masterplan - Taveuni, Fiji