Featured Publications

SPREP-Tok : Issue 95. June, 2024
'People, Places and Knowledge' Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal - Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity
Strengthening the Inform Pacific Environmental Data Portal
Legislation guidance end-of-life vehicle management in the Pacific.
SPREP-Tok : Issue 95. June, 2024
'People, Places and Knowledge' Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal - Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity
Strengthening the Inform Pacific Environmental Data Portal
Legislation guidance end-of-life vehicle management in the Pacific.
SPREP Tok Issue 55
SPREP Tok : Issue 55, June 2019
SPREP Tok Issue 54
SPREP Tok : Issue 54, May 2019
Wei Fo Aksesim An Garem Benefit Taem Yu Yusim
Genetik Risosis Aa Olketa Tradisinol Nolej
Access and Benefit Sharing
Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization
ABS-SI-Nagoya- cover page
Nagoya Protokol lo Akses an Benefit Sharin
The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
CCM_May Issue 2019
Climate Change Matters Newsletter. Issue 64. May 2019.
COSPPac Monthly Climate Bulletin
COSPPac Monthly Climate Bulletin, May 2019
Our Pacific Ocean, Our Stories: Know your Ocean with the Pacific Ocean Portal! (Factsheet 10)