Dredging/sand mining at the Pangaimotu/Toula causeway- impacts on the environment and coastal fisheries
Dredging/sand mining at the Pangaimotu/Toula causeway- impacts on the environment and coastal fisheries
Soil sedimentation effect on the coastal marine environment, Tefisi Village, Vava'u
Soil sedimentation effect on the coastal marine environment, Tefisi Village, Vava'u
Inaugural technical workshop for the CRISP project report, Noumea 24th - 28th January 2005
Inaugural technical workshop for the CRISP project report, Noumea 24th - 28th January 2005
Strengthening a nested system of coastal management in Fiji: progress and lessons learned towards integrated coastal management on the Coral Coast and their implications for national policy
Strengthening a nested system of coastal management in Fiji: progress and lessons learned towards integrated coastal management on the Coral Coast and their implications for national policy
Economic impact of natural disasters on development in the Pacific : Volume 1: Research report; Volume 2: Economic Assessment tools
Economic impact of natural disasters on development in the Pacific : Volume 1: Research report; Volume 2: Economic Assessment tools
Fiji International Waters project, strenghthening the management of Waste in Fiji's rural communities: Communication strategy
Fiji International Waters project, strenghthening the management of Waste in Fiji's rural communities: Communication strategy
Federated States of Micronesia International Waters Project : Communication strategy
Federated States of Micronesia International Waters Project : Communication strategy