The purpose of a grievance mechanism is to receive and facilitate the resolution of concerns and grievances held by Affected Communities about the environmental and social plans or performance of a SPREP project, on an going basis through the planning and
implementation phases.
We need to know if you are concerned that you, your community, your environment may be or is currently being adversely affected because of a project that SPREP is implementing. All correspondence will be dealt with in a confidential manner as follows:
- SPREP’s Internal Auditor (IA) receives the ESMS related inquiry;
- The IA acknowledges and registers inquiry, investigates and recommends course of action for senior management approval
- Course of action is discussed with inquirer, if appropriate.
- Relevant actions are implemented
- Outcomes are monitored through Project ESM Plan.
If you have concern that any one of our projects could or is adversely impacting your environment and/or community and is not in compliance with our ESMS you can contact us in confidence by:
email at [email protected]
write a letter to: PCUINTERNAL AUDITOR, SPREP, PO BOX 240, APIA, SAMOA (mark ‘confidential’)
Your correspondence should detail how you have or could likely be adversely affected by environmental or social impacts of the SPREP activity.
You can view our full ESMS below: